Statement from Disc Golf Ukraine | Russia started full-scale War against Ukraine

Disc Golf Ukraine players like all of you planning to start a new season, watch the first Disc Golf Pro Tour tournament and watch JomezPro coverage as always — but we can’t!

24 February we all woke up from the explosions in ours city’s. Ukraine had been attacked. Russia has started full-scale War against Ukraine.

They bomb our peaceful cities and houses, planes, helicopters, tanks attack us and troops crossed the borders of Ukraine from Russia and Belarus.

Russia is killing children in Ukraine and destroying civilians’ houses. Airports, civil buildings and kindergartens are on fire. Millions of people have lost their homes in days, and many have lost their lives.

Please reach out to your government and appeal for Ukraine’s support.

Check the news. Don’t trust Russian propaganda. Spread the word. Engage your audience. Get local media to publish about Ukraine. Think with us. Talk to us.

There are no more disc golf players in Ukraine. There are soldiers, there are volunteers, there are citizens.

The world can and has to stop putin ASAP.

Please support and stand together with us the way you can. And don’t stop until we win!

Also you can support The Return Alive Foundation:

We thank you very much for your support for every word and volunteer helps, both financial and moral. It is important for Ukrainians that we are supported by friendly countries and friends in our struggle.

Ukraine is fighting the invader with weapons in hands, defending its freedom and European future.

When we win we would love to play disc golf with you.
We will come to your courses to your countrys to personally thank you for your help and support.
And we will invite you all to our tournaments in Ukraine in the future when we rebuild our country.

Disc Golf Ukraine